Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

SWOT n SWORD Analysis

"OH nooooooo...how stupid am i...how i don't know about SWOT n SWORD Analysis!!!"

Before we pull out the SWORD, let's review the SWOT.

The SWOT analysis is an industry standard tool used to describe several options, and detail the (S)trengths (W)eaknesses (O)pportunities and (T)hreats associated with each option. The SWOT analysis is the foundation of my SWORD analysis.

Why not just use SWOT? It limits the decision making to a single option. Too often, I found myself stuck using this analysis because people could not come to agreement over a single option. The beauty of my SWORD analysis is it brings people out of the box, and allows for flexibility, and, more importantly, creativity.

We covered the SWOT acronym so what does SWORD mean?
* Strengths - List the strengths (pros) for each option.
* Weaknesses - List the weaknesses (cons) for each option
* Opportunities - List any opportunities that the option creates.
This ones a little challenging and takes practice.
* Risks - How does the option affect the quadruple constraint for the project?
Scope, Schedule, Cost, and Quality
* Decisions - This is the key difference in the SWORD analysis.
Instead of limiting decisions to a single option, this element allows the CCB to
pick and choose different elements from each option and ultimately drives to
consensus quickly.

from >> http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_Yuhas

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